Employee Termination

Employee Termination

Ode to The Front End partially came out in late February. The audio book creator put it for sale on their website. Due to some technical glitches the other vendors did not have access to it printed, eBook or audio. On Thursday afternoon of the first week in March I received a phone call from the Bean Counter putting me on paid leave . He and Depot refused to provide any reasons why. I checked with an attorney and he recommended I record further phone calls. I did and those recordings are available.

Several employees were checking the then primitive website and had richly enjoyed the promo video. Thought it hit Depot right between the eyes. One bought the audio and told me I had said everything he ever thought. No less than five to seven more bought and gave me a similar positive reaction and response. Rumor mill took over after that and circulated throughout the store. Interesting, that the charges against me and the termination followed soon after. A dubious coincidence at best.

The first exhibit is an email sent from me to Abbe Hall HR in the company indicating a strong desire to return to work. That was done at the attorney’s recommendation but it was also my desire to do so. I did not like taking pay without working for it. Violation of personal principles.

Exhibit 1 Chronologically depicts the progression and all correspondence between me and Depot . I had no contact with the store or store management. Kerry is the outside contractor dealt with on one of the two recorded calls.

Exhibit 2 Phone call from Kerry with Abbe on the line. I believe you will find this worth the ten minute listen.

Exhibit 3 After two weeks and hearing nothing other than the recorded phone call I wrote this laying out options. No response ever received.

Exhibit 4 Termination call received from Bean Counter. Sic Semper Tyrannis

Exhibit 5 Termination document placed in my employee file. This done after the Bean Counter called and terminated my employment.

Exhibit 6 Letter to an attorney raising all the questions in a complete manner after receiving and forwarding exhibit 4 to him.

To counter the half-truths and deception in the company file document consider the following. Not once was I ever presented the opportunity to respond to these allegations. It is obvious the company did not like the publication of the book. That is probably the reason for this star chamber witch hunt plus they wanted to have innuendo over me and a disguised threat against my good name and character. Now anyone can read it and choose what they want to believe. I have nothing to hide. Nothing.

It is my understanding only first names employed, and no personal information divulged that was not common knowledge or rumor. When rumor, the poem very pointedly makes sure the distinction is drawn. Another misrepresentation without any opportunity to respond.

Thorough investigation would seem to require all parties be involved in determining a finding of fact. Since I was present, who better to interview? Hardly meets the criteria of a thorough investigation. As usual, not the method employed by Depot. My answers and truth did not fit their preconceived agenda.

They mention sexually inappropriate descriptions of females in the poem. Are you serious? Name one. The book refers to violent situations in the store. What does that mean? Any situation that involved injury to anyone was an accidental event and every such incident written did occur.

It has been determined… Yes it has. A good employee was dragged through the mud because the management and company did not like being exposed. A month later I entered the store and bought a chair and used self-checkout. I passed through at least ten employees. Not one would look me in the eye.

Fear and guilt do that. Fear for their jobs under this tyrannical system of corporatism and guilt for musing a blind eye. Indeed. I forgive because I had their back, and they remain my friends. They are people with incredibly difficult lives, and they are living them in an extraordinary manner. They remain better than me and they have taught me well all that includes. What is the value of humility learned? Greater than gold from Ophir. My door and my heart will always be open to them. God bless every last one.