Inclusiveness and Diversity

Inclusiveness and Diversity

Diversity is tearing society apart and what used to be America into warring factions and fomenting hatred between the groups so fractured. Admittedly, this is a difficult topic for anyone to consider. Corporatism has embraced it in toto to increase profit and power. Equal opportunity for all is the mission. Equal outcomes for all is not. Entitlements and victimhood replacing work and merit. Is that what we really want? Please review the attached and draw your own conclusions. This Button is only telling the truth. You, the reader, must decide.

Exhibit 1. Quotation form Home Depot chief officer.

Exhibit 2. His ideas and views put into play in Canada.

Exhibit 3. More of his ideas and programs implemented in Canada.

Exhibit 4. Summary and article confirming Exhibits 2 and 3. Wearing a yellow star for the privileged is probably next.

Exhibit 5. Diversity report published by Home Depot and the Diversity officer.

Exhibit 6. Home Depot concepts of ethics and values. They never define ethics, not moral values. That would require an absolute standard and Depot has no absolute standard.

Exhibit 7. This author’s pointed but whimsical view of Inclusivity, Multiculturalism, and Diversity. Checkout the historical etymology of the words diverse and diversity. They are not positive. No one left behind means no one gets ahead. Land of opportunity exchanged for equal outcomes.

A house divided against itself shall not stand, said Lincoln on notice of secession. A melting pot churned into a chamber pot does not yield Americans. Balkanization does not promote sovereignty much less unity and strength. Lenin referred to the ethnic groups in Russia as members of a gulag chained to a failed state. Is that what you want in America?

Retaining cultural heritage not in conflict with Judeo Christian values upon which America was founded is one thing. Rewriting the past, tearing down the monuments and removing the chances and balances that earmark a republic are quite another. It is no secret that Stalin used PC to cement his deadly grip on power. Is that what we want for this country?

The reader’s choice now will in large measure determine whether their children remember them in love as natural born citizens, or hate from the chains worn by serfs. The decision and the consequence of that decision rest strictly with the reader.

Exhibit 8. This is a historical piece produced by an American government defining what an American is and how the melting pot operates in the practice of personal freedom. Compare to what is done by the media and government today and the practices of the occupants in this land…. any questions?

Exhibit 9. Kensington District in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As big box stores drain the life out of employees and pays subsistence wages here is the long term result for too many Americans. Take a good luck what their corporate fascism breeds.

Quae pars operis est tibi?