

Author Stuff

Items of interest but not included elsewhere are located here in no particular order of importance. They serve as reference points and guides to illumination. They remind the author of who he is and what he is not.

Exhibit 1. Reminds the reader that a failed life is precisely that and nothing more. Such has been the author’s result.

Exhibit 2. A seldom used book promotion for the curious seeking more awareness and information about the book.

Exhibit 3. An extended sample of roughly the first seven or eight pages of the Ode. Found elsewhere and used elsewhere but belongs here as well as part of this montage.

Exhibit 4. Whenever the author feels sorry for himself a quick review of this exhibit shames and humiliates him. This is his idea of a great human being.

Exhibit 5. A spoof of Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) in insurance. No one laughed.

Exhibit 6. The ant and the grasshopper in the traditional version then updated by the author.

Exhibit 7. A summary of family and history. The author pales in comparison a very dim light.

Exhibit 8. Alleged tale from Imperial China set at the end of the Han Dynasty.

Exhibit 9. Observations as a missionary in Honduras.

These Exhibits collectively that the writer is not the author. Such a person simply is incapable of producing the book. He can only be steward over the project. His failed and tumultuous life prepared him well for such an assignment. Hopefully, this will help raise awareness about the book and purpose and cause you the reader to buy it.