Smile for the camera

Smile For the Camera

This is a collection of videos depicting a spectrum of cause and effect. Black Rock and Larry Fink through their company plus Vanguard and State Street own a good chunk of stock of Depot and exercise the influence that leverage provides including but limited to choosing who to do business with and on what terms with other organizations where they have a significant equity interest. You wash their hands and we will let you keep your job. As one depot representative was quoted (See dirty Vinyl Button) they take charges seriously when presented. They do virtually nothing before this occurs. Due diligence in human rights or slave labor is simply ignored. If the 3D approach od Deny Disparage Dismiss fails when confronted then they become very religious and Pontius Pilate like in washing their collective hands. Home Depot is in no way in doing this. Check out Larry’s ownership of medical goods companies and you can then deduce why Home Depot was lock step in requiring diapers. Good for Larry and Black Rock and nothing else mattered then or now.

Exhibit#1. Video detailing how the Larry gang do things to the detriment of America and make a pretty good killing for their effort. The Mafia is green with

Exhibit #2. Larry explaining why it is insufficient immigration causing the problems in America. Of course he makes this argument because the grater the amount of chattel the less he has to pay as wages and benefits. The reader must decide if he is correct. Larry does not believe in American sovereignty. That is subservient to the world he seeks to rule through Black Stone. Is that the world the reader wants for his children?

Exhibit #3. Video recording the sentence No Mamma No Pappa No Uncle Sam and the Bataan Death March. Lest anyone deny or forget.

Exhibit #4. Cynical review of what is transpiring in what used to be America. The reader can judge for themselves. The author looked in the mirror.

Exhibit #5. Putin delivered a powerful message. Unlike the American President he can actually speak for an hour and fifteen minutes whereas the setting President is unable to even ride a bicycle. The author found much of what he said to be remarkable in that what was said should be what is coming form the mouth of an American President. His prescriptions may be wrong but his truth telling and perspective are riveting. Yes, effort is required. And your point is? Exhibit 5a

Exhibit #6. The Red Chinese propaganda war is polluting search engines and obscuring fact and truth. Does the reader care to know this?

Exhibit #7. Organ harvesting is big business in Red China. Uighur slave labor unable to make products sold and distributed through Home Depot may end up here as a final profitable solution. China is Red, Uighurs dead and Depot in the black.

Exhibit #8. No genocide in Xinjiang says the Communist Chinese. The reader can determine the falsity or veracity of this statement in their own mind.

Exhibit #9. Red Chinese brainwashing defenseless Uighur children just like Stalin and Hitler in their time. Home Depot empowers this by doing business with apparently no due diligence in Red China. Due diligence might harm the cash cow,

Exhibit #10. You Tube under attack from red Chinese propaganda. Interesting to note You Tube is not permitted in Red China. Think about it.

Exhibit #11. Medical supplies and diapers made in Red China are unsafe. Home Depot mandated and distributed these unsafe diapers. It is the author’s understanding Black Rock received a profit and financial benefit also. Does anyone consider this abomination an exercise in free trade/ Are you serious?

Exhibit #12. North Korean refugee reviews what she sees is happening in America. Is she right? You the reader decide.

Exhibit #13. Chinese minorities not named Han are badly mistreated. Slave labor for profit empowers and rewards this practice. For the Biblically minded Han is ham in the Bible.

Exhibit #14. Another video detailing how Red China undercuts truth in media and journalism. Empowers and enables enslavers.

Exhibit #15. Book promotional video providing a visual flavor of what is contained.

Exhibit #16. Larry and the boys are using AI to run their trades and milk the market to their exclusive advantage. Is the result the world you the reader want?

Exhibit #17. Big Brother lives again in the aisles and shelves of Corporatism and Big Box Stores. Time for a new revolution now as esperienced then with the mini computer.

Exhibit #18. Hotler and Boenhoffer had correspondence before he was arrested. Here is a video detailing what they discussed then and what is happening in America now.

Exhibit #19. Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard are interlocked in ownership and they have roughly 25% of Depot stock. Here is an example of how Black Rock acts with investors so why is anyone surprised Depot treats customers and employees in a similar manner.

Exhibit #20. Black Rock is determined to destroy organic fuel energy production as they consume same in their corporate jets. They are heavily invested in renewable energy so ESG is heavily promoted What it means for man is Expect Starvation Globally and that is precisely the goal and objective for Larry the director. Less of us and more for him.

Exhibit #21. Black Rock has been invited to invest in, own and rebuild Ukraine after the US sponsored war ends. War for profit given a new emerging market. Larry Fink is thrilled. Pure profit from killing fields.

Exhibit #22. Black Rock and Vanguard own the world and what not owned fully influenced if not controlled. Red Chinese turn green with envy. They own the property and we are their useless eater chattel.

Exhibit #23. No end to the perfidy committed by the Finkelstein gang. Don’t worry a Republican House investigation almost always disappears into the night never to be heard of again. This will be no exception.

Exhibit #24. Short video provides the black box description of how Blackrock operates. It is clear their methods resemble Rockefeller and Standard Oil. Amy questions?

Exhibit #25. Black Rock and friends have a disproportionate interest in Big Pharma and they use their influence to coopt media and government Over 1.4 million Americans have suffered or doed as a result and the country had the highest fatality rate from the Red Virus of any nation on the earth. Profit from death. Just another day at the office for Black Rock. Who cares? Good for business.

Exhibit #26. Another discussion of Black rock media and pharma interest commingled. Two countries in the world allow pharma adds. America is the leader and it is no accident America leads the world in drug and prescription consumption and addiction. Worse than China after the English won the Opium War and infected that hapless nation.