Supervision Operations

Supervision Operations

Supervision Operations Narrative

Working at Depot provides endless opportunity to observe the practice of ingrained stupidity by this writer, other employees and customers.

Exhibit 1 is what the cashier sees on a register at times. The moniker stick shadow instruction seems to fit well.

Exhibit 2 is the hands on instruction any employee can expect to receive at Depot. Don’t discuss with the head Cashiers (HC) who then tells us grunts. Just leave a note on the register for Customers to see. Just another message from management that once again shows their love and affection.

Exhibit 3 is announcing a meeting never to be held. Donna is an Assistant Store Manager (ASM). I followed up three times to have the meeting but as is usually the case, it never took place. Management by written instruction and pledges never fulfilled. Just another day at Depot.

Exhibit 4 are my prep notes for the meeting that never came. I did ask the FES to reply to them and the ASM. Still waiting on their response.

Exhibit 5 is but one small example of Depot scheduling for part time employees. I wanted four days a week and a max of twenty hours. You can see here they simply do not bother. An employee is nothing but a number on a spreadsheet. Part time employees especially so. Jerked around by the whims of a poorly written software program and a chief reason why part timers decide to work elsewhere.

Exhibit 6 is the cashier job description. Only available inside the building. Can not access from home. I have this copy only because Home Depot submitted it to the EEOC. My practice as a cashier revolved around three Ps. Be present, be prepared and perform. Perform included serving customers and other employees. Amazing this can be condensed to two sentences instead of ten pages.

Exhibit 7 may or may not have been harassment. The examples do show indifference towards both customer and employee by management. Only they know their mens rea. These events began after delivery of the May 3rd letter and they basically ended after roughly two weeks..

Exhibit 8 Advice to the viewer put the very best way possible when involving Dept stock.

Exhibit 9 A long time customer relates his experience at a Depot store and online. The online inventory information is notoriously incorrect. There is no cross referencing and differences are simply charged off if missing and ignored if actual inventory exceeds number in system. Here the customer received the very best of all three worlds personalized by Home Depot. They may take charges of some things seriously but customer service, online efficiency and inventory accuracy are not among them. Taking their business seriously is also a hit and miss proposition.